Autumn at Valley Living
Autumn at Valley Living

Autumn at Valley Living

Product Picks
Tasty Tips

Have you ever wondered when autumn actually is?


Perhaps because it depends on whether you are talking meteorological – i.e. Each year is split equally into four seasons of 3 months, or astronomical which is based on the position of the Sun in relation to the Earth.

According to the Met Office “The astronomical calendar determines the seasons due to the 23.5 degrees of tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis in relation to its orbit around the Sun.”

We celebrated the autumn equinox this year on 23rd September – in other words, a time when the day and night are of roughly equal length and the nights become increasingly longer than the days. It is also the time of year when the northern hemisphere begins to tilt away from the Sun, meaning we have less direct sunlight and cooler temperatures.

Love it or hate it, autumn is a time when you will feel a nip in the air as the nights draw in and we begin to spend more time indoors.

You may normally be thinking about turning the central heating back on, although with the energy costs, many people will be putting this off as long as possible this year.

Happiness is

There are plenty of ways to keep warm, cosy and happy this autumn, snuggle up with some warm scarves, throws and candles – no-one does this quite like the Danes – take a look at our Scandi selection for more inspiration!

Dates to remember


  • Breast cancer awareness month
  • Go sober for October
  • Halloween 31st


  • Movember – men’s health awareness
  • Bonfire night 5th

Aud’s recipe of the month

As you start to replace your summer barbecues and salads with more comforting food you might want to try out my favourite pumpkin soup, plus if you’re planning on doing some pumpkin carving, t’s a great way to use up the middle!  You can download your own copy here!

Download Aud’s favourite pumpkin soup recipe

What’s new at Valley Living

You may have noticed that we’re no longer offering online shopping so we can focus on stocking the shelves of Valley Living with as many lovely and sometimes unusual pieces.

We will be actively posting new items on our social media pages and if you do see something you fancy and you can’t get in to see us, send us a message and we will see what we can do!

Our seasonal page will be updated quarterly to showcase some of our new stock items and look out for our seasonal blog posts too!


Written by

Audrey Spencer
Audrey Spencer
Founder & owner