Goodbye January …
February at a glance
Most of us would probably agree that after surviving three storms in one month, we are not sorry to leave January 2024 behind.
As we start a new month, the nights are already drawing out, and sunset is predicted to be at 5.46 pm by the 29th, yes! So, let’s look at what February has in store for us.
According to The Almanac, there’s not much change to our nature table this month, here’s a few suggestions from Lia Leendertz: White candles for Candelmas, a little vase of winter honeysuckle, lichened bark, pebbles and feathers.
Candlemas (2)
The ancient festival of light on the 2nd (Candlemas) marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox. Christians often light candles in windows to symbolise Jesus as the ‘light of the world’.
If you like to believe in superstition, check out this nursery rhyme!
If Candlemas day be dry and fair
The half of the winter is to come, and more
If Candlemas day be wet and foul
The half of the winter is gone at Yule.
Raynaud’s Awareness Month
Raynaud’s is a condition in which blood stops flowing properly to the fingers and toes. It is quite common and can be triggered by the cold or stress. Although medication is sometimes available, GPs typically advise sufferers to wear gloves.
World Nutella Day (5)
Nutella was first Introduced in Italy in 196. This delicious spread, flavoured with hazelnuts and cocoa, is now popular throughout the world. World Nutella Day was the idea of Nutella enthusiast and blogger Sara Rosso sixteen years ago.
Nutella maker Ferrero selects one Nutella lover each year to lead the celebration. If you want to join in, simply share the Nutella love by posting your pictures, recipes, and messages. Don’t forget to use the official hashtags #worldnutelladay and #giveanutellasmile.
Pancake Day (13)
Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of fasting for Lent on Ash Wednesday. Making pancakes is a great way to use eggs and fats before starting the Lenten fast.
The pancake has a long history and is featured in cookery books as far back as 1439.
St Valentine’s Day (14)
Cadbury produced their first decorated boxes of chocolates for Valentine’s Day in 1868. These heart shaped gifts were so popular they set a trend. By the second half of the 20th century, exchanging cards was extended to gifts. Valentine’s Day is now celebrated worldwide.
This Valentine’s Day, we would like to spread some customer love. Happy Valentines!
The rose is red, the violet is blue,
Where would Valley Living be without you?
Visiting our shop and making us smile,
Enjoying our new goodies, staying awhile.
So, on St Valentine’s, we’d just like to say,
Continue spreading the love, and have a great day! ❤️
Real Bread Week International (17-25)
A crust you can trust!
Created and run by the Real Bread Campaign since 2010, #RealBreadWeek is the annual international celebration of Real Bread and the people behind its rise.
Whether you slather it with butter and jam for breakfast or stuff it with protein for lunch, bread is a staple food for most of us. Real Bread Week aims to encourage us to either have a go at making our own or to help support local independent bakeries.
Home-baked bread is fresher, free from additives and tastes so much better. Will you be giving it a go?
February Recipe
Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday this year, so for many of us it will be work as usual the next day. To make your evening special, you could try my easy but tasty canapés and ruby fizz.
References: The Almanac – A Seasonal Guide to 2024 Lia Leendertz