As you are a regular visitor to Valley Living you will know that we love the Royals, so it won’t be a surprise that we’re very excited and looking forward to celebrating the Coronation of King Charles. It’s going to be one of those historic occasions we’ll remember for years to come.
And to celebrate we’ve sourced some fantastic memorabilia, all proudly made in the UK!
May is the third and last month of spring according to meteorologists who base the seasons on the annual temperatures and it’s definitely warming up, thank goodness.
If you prefer to follow astrology, look out for this month’s new moon which will appear on 19th May. The Taurus new moon is said to rule practicality, sensuality and physicality.
The May moon is also known as the Flower Moon (due to the abundance of flowers at this time) or Milk moon (because during medieval times it was a time when cows were moved to their rich summer pastures).
Key dates:
1st – May Day Bank Holiday
6th – May King Charles Coronation
8th – May Extra Bank Holiday
19th – New moon
29th – Bank Holiday
If you need to shop for a family member or friend’s birthday in May, here’s a few things that may help!
Birthstone – Emerald
Birthstones originated in Poland around the 18th century. By the 19th century, the National Association of Jewellers had released a list of modern options. To this day jewellers continue to add more options to the modern birthstone chart.
May’s traditional and modern birthstone is Emerald and symbolises success and love.
If you don’t know your own birthstone, check out the Gem Society Birthstone Chart
The Zodiac
Sign: Taurus (20th April – 20th May)
Symbol: The Bull
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Colour: Pink
Characteristics: Honest, stubborn, trustworthy, sensual, passionate and ambitious
Gift Ideas
In the spring and summertime, a backpack handbag is a must – they are light, comfortable and give you extra room for your sunglasses or cardigan, without putting any strain on your back. Plus, your arms are free to hold your coffee, ice cream or child! We’ve got a lovely new range priced at £41.99, why not pop into store and try one on?
We also have a fun range of handmade soaps and birthday cards, perfect for your bestie.
It’s far better to opt for seasonal veggies if you can, they are fresher, more nutritious and taste so much better!
That’s because they don’t need to travel as far so they don’t need the same pesticides, waxes, and preservatives. Try to eat them quickly because as soon as they’ve been picked they start losing their goodness.
Veggies in season this month include: Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Beetroot, Chicory, Chillies, Elderflowers, Lettuce, Marrow, New Potatoes, Peas, Peppers, Radishes, Rhubarb, Rocket, Samphire, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Strawberries, Sweetheart Cabbage, Watercress.
This month, I’d like to share two of my favourite seasonal recipes.
We are getting to the time of the year where we are thinking about salads and even the heady days of summer and eating outside, my Beetroot and Goats Cheese Salad is a great easy side dish to accompany a large selection of dishes, anything from a spring Quiche to a summer BBQ.
Cavolo Nero is a type of Kale with a slightly bitter tang and then a sweet after taste, it is in season right now and you will find it in the supermarkets and on market stalls. I bought some last week which is grown in Lancashire, so really local and full of nutrients.
If you find spring greens and cabbage a bit dull then this is a really good way to quickly make them more interesting.